Wednesday 10 October 2012



                                                                   MY CRUSH

Everyone have a different ways of being in love.

When i first came in this college, i saw a beautiful and simply young lady. because of that she gets
my attention she give a reason  in everyday to wait in the campus but sometimes they not see
in each other because of my schedule. she was a student of other colleges in this university.

Sometimes i see her. she makes my day complete. one day i made a planed to get her number.
i was really shy so my friend help me to get a number of my crush, i was happy when i get it.
she name is jenica where almost texting everyday. but i found out she had a boyfriend at that time
it crush my feelings to her that's why stop texting her. i had a girlfriend happy and enjoying the feeling
in love ,  but if you make it in the wrong way , its gonna never called a love it will being selfish.

Eleazar P. Embudo

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