Thursday 11 October 2012


IT'S ALL ABOUT                         "A DINNER DATE"

I want to share some tips to make your girlfriend/boyfriend so happy when it comes on dinner date.

1.Even at home you have just to date for dinner more Tipid simply do red carpets to the passageway door to your room and put the rose petal red carpet.
2.also better if you put the candle on the side of the red carpet and enter the door and she can say is "what a beautiful place this is".
3.just put a table at the end of the red carpet be sure that there has a background music.
4.the only word that the men/women want to hear from their love is the word "I Love You"
5. To set you free dinner date the two and do not forget that you should not have to do anything but Remembering amuse your girlfriend / boyfriend.

thank you for reading.

                                                               Jayrald M. Cagape

Wednesday 10 October 2012



                                                                   MY CRUSH

Everyone have a different ways of being in love.

When i first came in this college, i saw a beautiful and simply young lady. because of that she gets
my attention she give a reason  in everyday to wait in the campus but sometimes they not see
in each other because of my schedule. she was a student of other colleges in this university.

Sometimes i see her. she makes my day complete. one day i made a planed to get her number.
i was really shy so my friend help me to get a number of my crush, i was happy when i get it.
she name is jenica where almost texting everyday. but i found out she had a boyfriend at that time
it crush my feelings to her that's why stop texting her. i had a girlfriend happy and enjoying the feeling
in love ,  but if you make it in the wrong way , its gonna never called a love it will being selfish.

Eleazar P. Embudo

Tuesday 9 October 2012


The day past and every each second. i knew it's gonna be a wrong love . it's been 4yrs when i was break up with my first love in that particular moment in my life i would say it's like a roller coaster ride. cause where friends and sometimes enemy in same place. we are running for first honor of our section that time i feel i was in a sink boat and i was stuck there. but that love ends because my best friend  fall in love  in the guy i love too so i should give up.

Now i still study in college i though i never gonna meet the guy for me. but someone  came and he said. i love  you for the rest of my life. but theirs a conflict some of his friends don't like me. were not give up we face it we;solve it that's i thought would be a happy ending. suddenly happen one of his friend fall in love in me 

I busted he guy. i say's it's gonna be alright but definitely is a changing part. the guy i thought would be my husband. confused in his love on me. his friends ask him them or me. he choose friends more than to me it's 2nd time around that i failed in lone but i know someday GOD gave the right guy for me. 

                                                                                         Ashley :  Monster princes


      Did you ever experience to be in a very critical condition just because of the obsession of one people to you ? Well, i assure to you not to wish for it.I experience it once and I don't want to have it again .Because someone done unexplainable sickness to me and only "faith healers" knew it. That's what they called "KULAM".
       "KULAM" means "witchcraft" and the one whose doing this called "witch".The Filipino mangkukulam employs a doll to hurt her enemies. Because of her magic powers, whatever she does to a doll representing her target, happens to that person in real life. 
         When I experience this I don't know how to survive.I just always pray to God to help me in this sickness and deliver the person who can relieve this pain. And God help me ,he delivers persons and guide them to relieve the unexplainable sickness I've encountering.And after a month I've been in this pain ,he gave me second life and help me to recover.And now,  after I survive in that "kulam", I always thankful to God that he don't abandon me as his child.

                                                             - JESSA AN G. BARILLA -

Monday 8 October 2012

15 STEPS Approach to Courtship:

1. First of all be  truthful to yourself
2. Be gentleman
3. Be Patient
4. Never Too Quiet
5. Always aks her to want
6. Do not be too sheepish
7. You have to show interest in him.
8. always do a simple smile
9. If you confess just make it simple and say I love you.
10. try to walk with her while  holding hands.
11. You  accompanied him to her house
12. Give her a simple kiss.
13. if you say goodbye to her, mean it. and say i love you.
14. Take a little wave when you got far from her
15 Just smile while going home.

Simple Tips For the BOYS only :)

The Members

Name : Paul John M. DalisayNickname: Ashley Age: 20 years oldBirthday : May 03, 1992Hobby/Hobbies : playing VOLLEYBALLRole in the Group : Monster PrincessMotto : Face the world and accept who really you are.

Name : Jessa An G. Barilla
Nickname : Jessa
Age : 17 years old
Birthday : January 29, 1995
Hobby/Hobbies : playing Table Tennis, Surfing Internet
Role in the Group : Beautiful Amazona
Motto : Be contented for what you have .

Name : Jayrald M. Cagape
Nickname : Xeno_Combi
Age : 17 years old
Birthday : September 23, 1995
Hobby/Hobbies : Singing , sometimes making a Song 
Role in the Group : Mr. Bean
Motto : What can i do to all of the girls if the only one love is not belong to it .

NAME : Eleazar P. Embudo
AGE : 17 years old
BIRTHDAY :July 5, 1995
ROLE IN THE GROUP : The Comedian
MOTTO : Less Talk, Less Mistake

NAME : Fatima Marielle P. Sagadal
AGE : 16 years old
BIRTHDAY : May 28, 1996
HOBBY/HOBBIES : Swimming, Singing
MOTTO : Try and try until you succeed.
NAME : Johncep E. Tugot
AGE : 17 years old
BIRTHDAY : May 17, 1995
HOBBY/HOBBIES :Playing Basketball and Computer Games
ROLE IN THE GROUP : Brain of The Group
MOTTO : Love is the most    

                                                            beautiful thing in Life .

We choose our logo because we believe that GOD give us different talent to enhance.
us you see theirs a swimmer to represent one of our team member and the same to spikker , singer and tetris master . the wings represent our freedom and T stand for our team name.